Gold Donor 2014

Partecipando al crowdfunding con un contributo di 1000,00 euro (o più) diventi ufficialmente "Gold Donor" del Festival. Inseriremo il tuo nome oppure il logo della tua azienda/associazione/fondazione/istituzione qui sul sito della manifestazione, nel press kit e nella brochure di #ijf14.

Ringraziamo tutti i nostri donatori per il loro sostegno.

Gold Donor individuali:

Anna Ascani

> Carlo De Benedetti

Bill Emmott

Peter Gomez

> Valeria Guarducci

Steffen Konrath

> Beppe Severgnini

> Caterina Soffici

Vittorio Zambardino

Vittorio Zucconi

Gold Donor azienda/associazione/fondazione/istituzione:


> AIT Dolomiti - Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti

> Braccialetti Cruciani

CGIL Sindacato Pensionati Italiani


EDTLonely Planet Italia

Etsuri Ltd

Europa Quotidiano

> Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello

> Il Fatto Quotidiano

> iPressLive

> La Fiera delle Parole - Associazione Cuore di Carta

> Liceo Scientifico Statale Galileo Galilei di Perugia

Messaggero Veneto

> ONA Italia

Ordine dei Giornalisti - Consiglio Nazionale

> Philip Morris Italia S.r.l.

Piacere Magazine


Scuola di giornalismo radio televisivo di Perugia

Antonio TomboliniSimplicissimus Book Farm

> The Wake Up Foundation

Digital Heretics Journalism Award

The award invites entries of online investigative journalism incorporating video, audio, text, photographs, animation (or a mix of these) which make innovative use of the internet (crowdsourcing, collaborative journalism, mash-ups, web 2.0, etc). The reportage must have been published in 2010 and can be in Italian or English. The award is sponsored by Google and has a total prize fund of 10,000 euros. The deadline for submission is 28 February 2011. The award is open to anyone under the age of 35 at the time of publication. The winners will be presented with the awards during the 2011 festival.

Download competition details (in English)

Download competition details - text only (in English)

tellmeumbria2Stories on Umbria Journalism Award

The award invites the submission of articles (print media or online publications) or TV programmes on Umbria published or broadcast in 2010. Articles or broadcasts in languages other than Italian or English must be translated into Italian or English. The total value of the first prize in the print media section is 2,500 euros, in the TV broadcast section 2,500 euros and in the online section 1,500 euros. The deadline for submission is 13 March 2011. The winners will be presented with the awards during the 2011 festival.

Download competition details (in English)

A Story Still to Tell: Peppino Impastato

The annual A Story Still to Tell award invites the submission of short articles and/or videos on the circumstances surrounding the murder of an Italian journalist. The 2011 award is dedicated to the memory of Peppino Impastato.

Peppino Impastato was a Sicilian anti-Mafia activist and radio speaker. In 1977 he founded Radio Aut, a self-financed radio station on which he denounced the criminal activities of local mobsters and politicians. He was killed in a bomb explosion in Sicily on 09 May 1978.

The 2007 first edition of the award was dedicated to Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovotin, the 2008 second edition to Enzo Baldoni, the 2009 third edition to Giancarlo Siani, journalist of the Naples daily Il Mattino murdered in Naples in 1985 at the age of 26 while investigating local organised crime, and the 2010 fourth edition to Maria Grazia Cutuli, journalist of the Italian daily Corriere della Sera killed in an explosion in Afghanistan in 2001. The award is open to university students, journalism school students and journalists under the age of 30. First prize is 2,500 euros in both the written and video categories. The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2011. The winners will be presented with the award during the 2011 festival.

Download competition details (in Italian)