Maren Beuscher è direttrice e produttrice a Berlino del programma televisivo quotidiano della ZDF (l’emittente tedesca di servizio pubblico) Kulturzeit, approfondimento di politica, società e cultura. Ha realizzato diversi documentari, tra questi, un ritratto di 35 minuti su Al Jazeera, che la ZDF ha presentato ai German Television Awards, al Prix Europa e ai Peabody Awards.
Maren Beuscher is editor and producer of the daily ZDF politics, society and culture TV programme Kulturzeit in Berlin. She has made documentaries (for example a 35-min portrait about Al Jazeera which was submitted by ZDF for the German Television Awards, the Prix Europa and the Peabody Awards) and is also responsible for up-to-the-minute reports for the news. She started shooting with a mini DV camera two years ago. ZDF is the German public service broadcaster.