Graham-Felsen SamGraham-Felsen Sam

Sam Graham-Felsen, blogger e giornalista americano, è stato il direttore del blog della campagna presidenziale di Barack Obama nel 2008. Si è laureato con lode in studi sociali alla Harvard University nel 2004. Ha scritto per The Harvard Crimson, il quotidiano universitario, e dal 2004 al 2007 ha lavorato per la rivista The Nation, occupandosi di politica giovanile. Ha anche prodotto video per Current TV, con reportage da Francia, Cambogia e Pakistan. E’ stato membro dello staff della campagna presidenziale di Barack Obama nel 2008. Scrivendo e curando, ha lavorato con i principali blogger nazionali e statali per promuovere il messaggio della campagna, producendo e collaborando a decine di video, e contribuendo in maniera decisiva al funzionamento on-line della “rapid response”.

Sam Graham-Felsen is an American blogger and journalist who was the blog director of the presidential campaign of Barack Obama in 2008.

He graduated cum laude from Harvard University in 2004 with a degree in social studies. He was a writer and columnist for The Harvard Crimson, the daily student newspaper of the university. From 2004 to 2007 he worked for The Nation magazine, covering youth politics. He also produced videos for Current TV, filing reports from France, Cambodia, and Pakistan. From 2008 to 2009 he was content director for Blue State Digital, a Washington, D.C.-based internet strategy and technology firm. He is currently a featured speaker for The American Program Bureau and travels world-wide covering his experience with the Obama campaign and other new media campaigns.

He was a member of the presidential campaign staff of Barack Obama in 2008. As the blog director of the New Media committee, he wrote for and oversaw, worked with key national and state bloggers to promote the campaign's message, helped direct the campaign's online rapid response operation, and produced and collaborated on dozens of online videos for the campaign.