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Join us for aperitivi and an in-person meet-up of freelancers (and freelance-friendly folks) at this year's International Journalism Festival.

The Society of Freelance Journalists will host an informal gathering of freelance journalists while we're in Perugia for this brilliant festival. It's a chance to make some new connections, reunite with far-flung colleagues and swap stories of freelancing life.

We'll take time during proceedings to discuss some of the challenges facing freelancers in journalism right now, in particular pay, finance and sustainability. As a collective, we'd like to put forward some solutions too, so come armed with ideas and the first round of drinks is on us.

In order to keep tabs on numbers, please fill in this form if you’d like to attend.

Venue: Café Timbuktu, Via Nicola Danzetta 22, Perugia.

Please contact john.jcrowley@btinternet.com if you have any further questions.

Organised by The Society of Freelance Journalists.