This session brings together three different approaches to the study of trust in media and its relationship to the spread of disinformation:
Mandy Jenkins will share findings from Project Disconnect, a 2019 ethnographic study on the relationship between the media and consumers of disinformation.
Subramaniam Vincent will discuss implications for trust from neuroscience and psychology learnings as well as share a snapshot of a recent Santa Clara University study on news comprehension and political bias signals.
Richard Fletcher will describe some of the key findings from the 2019 Reuters Institute Digital News Report—the world’s largest ongoing survey of news consumption—and will discuss what they mean for our understanding of misinformation and trust in the news media. He will talk about the levels of ‘concern about’ and ‘exposure to’ different types of misinformation, and how this varies across different countries and societal groups.
Organised in association with MisinfoCon.