Once the domain of governments and scientists, the use of satellite imagery has become increasingly important to investigative journalism, both in the world of open-source journalism and as a complement to traditional on-the-ground reporting. Despite its importance, access to high-quality and timely imagery can still feel out of reach to independent journalists and smaller organizations working with limited budgets. However, this does not have to be the case.

In this workshop, a variety of ways to access satellite imagery will be explored, including public, free, and discounted resources, satellite imagery brokers that make one-off purchases more accessible than before, and the proliferation of international commercial space imaging.

Workshop participants will leave with resources and skills they can immediately apply to their own work. The content will be comprehensible to all experience levels. The focus however will be on obtaining satellite imagery, not on the details of its use in journalism.

Approximate agenda:

> Introduction and core concepts for beginners to satellite imagery (resolution, bands, taskings)

> Public satellite and aerial imagery

> Tips and tricks for finding commercial satellite data for free

> Satellite imagery brokers and the proliferation of commercial space companies in China, Uruguay, Turkey and beyond

> Media partnerships and discounted access

> Specialized imagery, SAR, and next steps for learning more