Traditional journalism is at a crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges amid a systemic crisis in the news industry and growing demands for high-quality, verified information. In this context, collaborative networks have emerged as a transformative solution, reshaping how news organizations operate globally. This presentation delves into the role of networked journalism, particularly in the Global South, through the lens of Chequeado’s groundbreaking initiatives.

The scale and complexity of today’s challenges demand collective action. Disinformation and the erosion of trust in media cannot be tackled by any single organization or sector. Networked journalism creates resilient ecosystems of collaboration among diverse stakeholders—educators, academics, civic leaders, and technologists—to address these pressing issues effectively.

Using concrete case studies, this session will highlight how networked journalism has enhanced investigative reporting, electoral coverage, climate change reporting, and resource mobilization. Featured projects include:

> Reverso: Latin America’s largest electoral consortium, revolutionizing election coverage in Argentina.

> LatamChequea: a pioneering network of fact-checkers across the region.

> Train the Trainers: a media literacy initiative designed to scale impact through local journalism professors in six countries.

> Media Fact Latam: a cross-border collaboration involving five countries, 50 media outlets, and over 100 journalists.

These initiatives demonstrate that networked journalism is essential for fostering a reliable information ecosystem. By interconnecting efforts, it builds communities committed to truth and reinforces the idea that accurate information is not merely a tool for better decision-making but a cornerstone for societal transformation.

The session will also introduce a comprehensive framework for developing and sustaining networked journalism. Key components include building trust, defining shared purposes, and achieving operational efficiency while maximizing impact. Drawing on parallels with network effects in technology platforms, the framework outlines strategies for creating scalable and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing the news industry.

Presentation by Franco Piccato.