In recent years, fact-checking organizations have found themselves at the intersection of disinformation campaigns, political pressure, and public mistrust. Framed alternately as "saviors of truth" and "agents of censorship," fact-checkers face unique challenges in navigating these narratives while upholding their mission to promote transparency and accountability. This panel explores the evolution of these narratives and the increasing threats—both overt and covert—faced by fact-checking organizations globally. Key topics include:

> The censorship narrative and political weaponization: a deep dive into how fact-checkers are falsely portrayed as tools of government overreach or corporate control. Examples from Aos Fatos’ reporting highlight how disinformation campaigns weaponize this narrative to undermine credibility.

> Disinformation campaigns against fact-checkers: case studies of targeted harassment, smear campaigns, and strategic disinformation aimed at discrediting fact-checkers, as seen in Brazil and beyond.

> Clandestine actions and institutional violence: drawing from Aos Fatos’ investigation into the "ABIN paralela," the panel will discuss how clandestine actions and systemic violence exacerbate the challenges faced by those working to hold power accountable.

> The role of tech platforms and governments: exploring the balance between platform responsibility and state regulation in protecting fact-checkers while avoiding legitimate censorship concerns.

> Building resilience and public trust: strategies for fact-checking organizations to counter these narratives, foster trust with audiences, and ensure the safety of their teams.

This discussion will provide a critical examination of how fact-checkers can navigate an increasingly hostile environment, balancing the need for robust accountability with the realities of political and social backlash.

Moderated by Angie Drobnic Holan.