Come along to the impact clinic.
In this workshop, impact producers Tessa Pang (Lighthouse Reports) and Grace Murray (The Bureau of Investigative Journalism) will consult and advise journalists on how to get the best impact from their stories, whatever the budget or timeframe. Reporters spend weeks and months on well-reported and beautifully-told stories, and we want to help you amplify your findings in order to spark change off the news pages or TV.
Thinking beyond publication to make journalism have tangible impact doesn’t have to be a daunting task, nor cross the line into advocacy. This workshop will go through practical steps for reporters and storytellers on how to bring about real-world change with their stories – from getting them in front of politicians, or sparking conversations within a business, to galvanising community campaigns and working with citizen journalists. Ideally, we want reporters to bring to the workshop their imminent stories (anonymised of course, and everything will be discussed in confidence) or recently published stories, and we will advise on how to best spark impact from them. Drawing on the years of experience within these two different newsrooms, we can bring different examples of impact strategies and models that we’ve deployed over the years and offer tools, practical steps and creative approaches regardless of timescale or budget.