The Centre for Information Resilience (CIR) is proud to announce the second edition of the CIR Open-Source Film Awards, set up to celebrate the use of OSINV techniques in investigative journalism, to ...
Benjamin Strick
director of investigations Centre for Information ResilienceGeo-giornalismo: utilizzare materiali open source per il giornalismo d'inchiesta
This presentation takes journalists and analysts through the basic OSINT skills, including mapping and satellite imagery, geolocation, chronolocation, advanced Google search, reverse image search, soc...
The Centre for Information Resilience (CIR) is proud to announce the first edition of the CIR Open-Source Film Awards, set up to celebrate the use of OSINV techniques in investigative journalism, to ...
Documentare la guerra in Ucraina da lontano: come combattere la propaganda e smascherare illeciti usando l'open-source
This presentation takes journalists and analysts through the basics of open-source intelligence, and how it has been used in the setting of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine to combat propaganda, u...
Come usare le immagini satellitari per verificare informazioni e trovare storie
This presentation takes journalists and analysts through the basics of satellite imagery, geographical data, and using imagery in storytelling to verify information and make new findings. The main fie...
Video, foto, immagini satellitari: l'uso di fonti aperte nel giornalismo investigativo
Open source investigations or digital investigations have been adopted by major news outlets and investigative collectives around the world, and have seen the growth of investigative teams such as BBC...
Geojournalism: how to use satellite imagery to verify information and uncover new stories
The workshop will be a hands-on satellite imagery workshop taking journalists, researchers and analysts through the basics of free satellite imagery, and extracting data from satellite imagery in nume...
This workshop, which is partly based on content in the new Verification Handbook For Disinformation And Media Manipulation, will run through a case study involving West Papua and the busting of a prop...
La metà dei principali esportatori di armi nel mondo sono stati membri dell'Unione Europea. L'Italia, la cui industria delle armi sta crescendo, è tra i primi dieci esportatori di armi. Misurare il ...