Come le grandi agenzie internazionale si stanno organizzando per avere un ruolo sempre più importante nel nuovo ecosistema dell’informazione: dalla multimedialità alla AI un focus di alto profilo ...
Christophe Schmidt has been deputy global news director at AFP (Agence France-Presse) since 2015, when he came back to Paris headquarters from Vienna where he had headed a regional bureau covering Central Europe. Prior to that, he was a reporter in France, where he covered successively sports, general news and politics. He has also been a correspondent to the UK in London, and later to the State Department in Washington, DC. AFP is one of the leading global newswires. Its more than 1,500 journalists operate from 201 bureaux throughout the world. They relay news 24/7 in text, photo, video, graphics and in six languages: English, French, Spanish, Arabic, German and Portuguese.
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