Artificial intelligence poses existential challenges and transformative opportunities for journalism and the future of the news industry. This panel brings together journalists and technologists to ex...
Dhruv Mehrotra
investigative data reporter WIREDPer indagare sulle tecnologie che governano le nostre vite servono i dati giusti
To understand the proprietary technologies that govern our lives you need data - sometimes lots of it. In this presentation, The Markup’s Leon Yin and WIRED’s Dhruv Mehrotra will discuss strateg...
Across the world, experimental technology is being deployed that promises to recover hundreds of millions of euros in alleged welfare fraud. Some of the most vulnerable members of societies are being ...
Ora più che mai abbiamo bisogno di capire le tecnologie proprietarie che influenzano la nostra quotidianità. Le redazioni di tutto il mondo stanno assumendo esperti di dati e tecnici per analizzare ...