Elda Brogi is a part-time Professor at the European University Institute, Florence, where she is also Scientific Coordinator of the Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (flagship project, the Media Pluralism Monitor). Member of the Executive Board of EDMO, European Digital Media Observatory. Within EDMO she coordinates Task V, Policy analysis and research. Elda Brogi’s main interests span Constitutional, European, Media and Internet law. She holds a degree in Law (University of Florence), a Ph.D. in Public Law and Constitutional Law (University La Sapienza, Rome). She teaches Communication Law at the University of Florence.
Elda has worked at the European and Italian Parliaments assisting and advising MPs on media policies and legislation, electronic communications regulation, freedom of expression, human rights, governance, drafting and better regulation. She has also been a specialist in IT law in a law firm and a consultant for international institutions on media and IT law and participated in (in some cases coordinating) many European and Italian research projects.
Elda has a long experience as member of the expert committees of the Council of Europe: she is currently member of the Committee of experts on increasing resilience of the media (MSI-RES). She also served as a member of three expert committees at the Council of Europe: the Committee of Experts on Media Environment and Reform at the Council of Europe (MSI-REF, where she was appointed co-rapporteur of the Committee of Ministers recommendation on electoral communication and media coverage of election campaigns) in 2020-2021, the Committee of experts on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership (MSI-MED) in 2016-2017 and the Committee of experts on protection of journalism and safety of journalists (MSI-JO) in 2014-2015. Member of the Advisory Council for the 2017 “World Trends in Freedom of Expression and Media Development” Report, UNESCO. Member of the Steering Committee of the review Medialaws.
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