Mentre il cambiamento climatico diventa sempre più evidente, il suo impatto sta complicando la vita e i mezzi di sussistenza di centinaia di milioni di persone. Questo include l'aumento dei rischi pe...
Karolina Eklöw engages in the intersection of climate change, foreign policy and civil society. She has participated in the Annual Review of the SDG:s, and had her climate-related report be presented in the UN Security Council. In 2020, she attended the World Economic Forum in Davos, where she spoke on climate action on behalf of civil society.
Karolina is employed at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, contributing to the Environment of Peace report to be released in May 2022. The research process has involved a diverse group of stakeholders in academia and policy, from young activists to frontline practitioners to experienced diplomats, digging deeper into the nexus between environment and peace.
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