Luke Feltham

direttore Mail & Guardian

Luke Feltham is the Editor-in-Chief of the Mail & Guardian, a South Africa-based publication. His adventures as a journalist have taken him across a variety of disciplines, from sport and politics to economics and historical investigations. The thread connecting his work is a passion for understanding how we co-exist, develop and thrive as a society.

During his foray in academia, he earned a master's degree in political studies from the University of the Witwatersrand.

The Mail & Guardian was established in 1985 (then known as the Weekly Mail) as a response to the news industry that had been throttled by the apartheid government. Over 40 years it has gained a reputation as a people-first publication determined to light a fire under the feet of the powerful. It holds the distinction of launching the first South African news website in 1994, the same year the country ushered in democracy.

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