Rachel Hamada

cofondatrice The Ferret

Based in Edinburgh, Rachel Hamada is a founder and director of Scottish investigative journalism cooperative The Ferret. She has also worked for more than four years as Community Organiser with Bureau Local, a UK network of journalists, technologists and community-minded citizens that harnesses data and collaboration for the public good. She recently led the Bureau's UK health inequality project, investigating deaths in home care, barriers to Covid-19 vaccines for migrant communities and waiting times for vital disability adaptations. Her focus is on making journalism more responsive and democratic so that it meets public needs and so that it shines a light on the grassroots impact of political and corporate decision-making.

Rachel was on the Scottish government working group on public interest journalism, has written about grassroots investigative journalism for Routledge's Investigative Journalism Handbook and has trained for the NUJ on new models of journalism. She is interested in spending more time exploring the intersection of journalism, games and theatre.

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