This panel discussion will shed light on reasons why some newsrooms may hesitate to adopt solutions journalism and demystify what it truly entails. Additionally, the panel will provide practical tips ...
Tina Lee
direttrice Unbias the NewsThe exploitative practices by Western media in the Global South, always present for the proper coverage of marginalized and vulnerable groups, capture groundbreaking events from communities when a dis...
Alfabetizzazione climatica: cosa devono imparare i giornalisti, cosa vogliono sapere le comunità
Increased focus on climate change effects has seen the rise of explainer journalism formats, reporting that aims to center the most vulnerable, and the increase in associated themes such as “climate...
"Diversità" è ormai un termine in voga che permette ad aziende o testate giornalistiche di spuntare delle caselle e lavorare sull'immagine. Ma la diversità è una questione di qualità. Come abbiam...
Our brains use plenty of short-cuts to process the complex world around us, filter relevant information and make decisions. On the one hand a useful optimisation process, this also carries some danger...