What can be exposed only from within. In this open workshop, we would like to chat with like-minded reporters about the chances and opportunities, risks and ethical borders for going undercover in the...
David Schraven
editore CORRECTIVThe mafia boss, the president, and me: an investigation by Can Dundar
The Publix Building in Berlin provides top-quality infrastructure for journalism and civil society work. We bring together a network of people who are working on vital questions facing the future of t...
Besides the emergency support for Ukraine media, there is a need to reestablish the media ecosystem in Ukraine in the hard hit regions. We want to talk about the best ways to help the reconstruction o...
Reti di giornalismo locale: le persone nel mirino del terrorismo di estrema destra
Una rete formata da una dozzina di giornali e 30 giornalisti ha indagato sulle liste di bersagli dei terroristi di estrema destra. Le indagini non si sono concentrate sui terroristi, ma sulle potenzia...
The panelists will explore the many possibilities of constructive journalism and will outline their very different programs, revealing what has worked and what hasn't. They will also explain their mot...
Collaborazioni nazionali di giornalismo investigativo locale in Germania e UK
Le redazioni a livello locale e nazionale stanno affrontando una crisi finanziaria che minaccia le inchieste giornalistiche più costose. Eppure non c'è mai stato più bisogno di giornalismo in grado...
To what extent has the Sicilian mafia infiltrated the German economy? An ambitious project, possibly the first extensive German research into the matter, has with an innovative format unveiled how Ger...