This panel will explore the evolving challenges that journalists around the world face amid the return of an administration in Washington that is known for its dislike of the press. Panelists will dis...
Jason Rezaian
director press freedom initiatives The Washington PostIn ostaggio: come i giornalisti dovrebbero rispondere alla minaccia di detenzione illegale
Amidst an immensely challenging environment for independent journalism around the world, a new threat has emerged. Increasingly international journalists are being arrested and jailed on false charges...
Il nuovo scenario nucleare: reportage su armi nucleari e sicurezza all'alba di una nuova corsa agli armamenti
As China increases its nuclear capabilities, and both the U.S. and Russia modernize their nuclear arsenals, the world has become more dangerous as the New START Treaty expires. Our panelists will disc...
Evan Gershkovich, 31 years old, is a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, where he covers Russia, Ukraine and the former Soviet Union. In March 2023, he was arrested in Russia while on a reporting t...
La repressione della libertà d’informazione a Hong Kong: il caso di Jimmy Lai e del quotidiano Apple Daily
Moderator: Baroness Helena Kennedy KC Speakers: Sebastien Lai, Caoilfhionn Gallagher KC, Jason Rezaian Jimmy Lai is a 75-year-old British citizen based in Hong Kong. He is a renowned media owner, wr...
Nel 2014 Il giornalista del Washington Post Jason Rezaian, allora direttore della redazione di Teheran, è stato arrestato dalle autorità iraniane con l’accusa di essere una spia americana. È l’...