How do we build better, more inclusive and happier news organisations? It can start with very concrete steps. A group of news industry leaders with many years of experience in managing journalists, n...
Joanna Geary is Head of Content and Audience at Bloomberg.
She was until November 2022 Senior Director of Curation at Twitter. Prior to joining Twitter in 2013, Joanna was social and communities editor at The Guardian, where she was responsible for setting social strategy and overseeing for the Guardian's team of community coordinators and moderators. Earlier, she focused on engagement as community and web development editor at The Times. She is also the founder of Hacks/Hackers London - one of the most vibrant chapters in the international movement bringing together technologists and journalists.
Journalism was transformed for better and for worse by platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and more recently TikTok. Now, the walled gardens are crumbling. Elon Musk killed Twitter and turned its succes...
Seminari di management e cultura per giornalisti e responsabili di redazione
How do we build better, more inclusive and happier news organisations? It can start with very concrete steps. A group of news industry leaders with many years of experience in managing journalists, n...
Seminari di management e cultura per giornalisti e responsabili di redazione
How do we build better, more inclusive and happier news organisations? It can start with very concrete steps. A group of news industry leaders with many years of experience in managing journalists, n...
Periscope, Facebook Live e ora le Instagram Stories stanno cambiando il modo di coprire le breaking news. Quali sono le implicazioni etiche per i news outlet? Dovreste embeddare un feed? Dovreste aggi...
Il 2016 è stato l'anno dei meme ispirati alla politica dei paesi occidentali, da #CatsAgainstBrexit a Pepe the Frog a #NastyWomen, tanto da essere inseriti nel linguaggio politico insieme a gif e sel...