Emily Bell

direttrice Tow Center for Digital Journalism

Emily Bell is Founding Director of the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, Leonard Tow Professor of Journalism, and a leading thinker, commentator, and strategist on digital journalism. The majority of Emily’s career was spent at Guardian News and Media in London working as an award-winning writer and editor both in print and online. She is a member of the committee which developed the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Charter in Media, chaired by Maria Ressa.

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Eventi IJF 2025
Eventi nelle precedenti edizioni
#IJF13 / 27 aprile 2013

Emily Bell

Keynote speech di Emily Bell, una delle voci più importanti e apprezzate nel panorama mediatico britannico e internazionale: dopo anni alla guida del settore digitale del Guardian e numerosi riconosc...