As the integration of (generative) AI technologies into news organisations continues apace, the need for robust, transparent, and consistent evaluation frameworks has become increasingly pressing. Whi...
Felix Simon
research fellow AI and news Reuters Institute for the Study of JournalismLooking at the journalistic landscape over the past year, the fervor surrounding the integration of Generative AI (GenAI) into news practices is undeniable. Ever since the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT...
AI has become a pivotal tool in news and journalism. News organisations around the world have harnessed traditional and generative AI to analyse large datasets, automate routine tasks, personalise new...
L'intelligenza artificiale potrebbe dare ai giganti della tecnologia un maggiore controllo sulle notizie?
If you attended any news conference in recent years, one thing will have stuck out: almost everyone seems to be excited by the possibilities of using artificial intelligence for journalism. And indeed...
In un'epoca di abbondanza di informazioni e di piattaforme di streaming, alcuni mettono in discussione il concetto di servizio pubblico nei media, eppure il pubblico non sembra pensarla così. Per tut...