What happens when you ask people what they want from local news and compare that to what's actually being offered by news providers? You end up with an information needs gap analysis that can clearly ...
Jonathan Heawood
direttore Public Interest News FoundationThe MacArthur Foundation has spearheaded the Press Forward initiative to raise $1bn for local journalism in the US. Why are US philanthropists putting so much energy into local news? Can local news l...
Who is winning the ongoing battle between platforms and publishers? This panel delves into the global impact of the world-first Australian News Media Bargaining Code (NMBC) introduced in 2021, examini...
Mettere le comunità al primo posto: come rivitalizzare il giornalismo locale
Local journalism is in an existential crisis. As journalists, we often ask, ‘Who's going to save local journalism?’ – meaning, ‘who's going to pay for it?’. Given the scale of the problem, w...
Australia’s path-breaking 2021 legislation, which got Google and Meta to pay more than 300 million dollars to media outlets, is being watched by countries around the world that want to emulate it. H...
Nei paesi ricchi, i media locali lottano per sopravvivere. Le persone che producono e consumano le notizie appartengono sempre più alle élite che vivono nelle grandi città. Perché sta succedendo q...