Local news organizations are facing threats in multiple parts of the world, but is the trend irreversible? Two prominent researchers will dive into the economic, technological and sociological drive...
Daryna Shevchenko
CEO The Kyiv IndependentAddressing Ukraine fatigue in the media: keeping the story alive
When anything can happen: lessons in planning for the unknown from a wartime newsroom
At last year’s IJF, one independent news editor said “We are being trained to death, but that’s the only way we can access funding.” The viability of independent media relies on long-term str...
You’re under attack. Your country is at war. Your community needs your reporting now more than ever. How do you pivot to ensure you can continue to serve the information they need? Three editors and...
Kyiv Independent: il successo senza precedenti di una startup giornalistica nell’Ucraina in piena guerra
The Kyiv Independent was founded in November 2021 by a group of journalists who were fired from their newspaper by a local oligarch for defending editorial independence. When Russia invaded Ukraine in...
Gli eventi tumultuosi degli ultimi 2 anni - la guerra in Ucraina, la rivoluzione in Bielorussia schiacciata dalla repressione autoritaria, l'ultimo sussulto per i media indipendenti della Russia - han...
Nel momento in cui le truppe russe hanno invaso l'Ucraina, avanzando attraverso il paese, i giornalisti locali hanno giocato un ruolo cruciale non solo nel fornire in tempo reale informazioni fondamen...
Sei sotto pressione e devi restare saldo. Qual è il segreto? Direttori ed editori della rete globale dell'International Press Institute raccontano i propri modelli di business a sostegno del giornali...