Journalism's economic crisis grows ever deeper for thousands of media globally, and worse hit are those in the majority world. Following a two-year deep dive into regional perspectives in Latin Americ...
Styli Charalambous
cofondatore e CEO Daily MaverickThe past decades in the media industry have been characterized by cost-cutting, efficiency programs and pressure to transform. The rapid development of generative AI is currently accelerating these tr...
Potenziare il giornalismo attraverso modelli centrati sull'utente: lezioni da Daily Maverick e Zetland
In an era where digital transformation has reshaped the media landscape, two pioneering media organizations, Zetland and Daily Maverick, have successfully harnessed the power of high quality journalis...
With high inflation and a looming recession, legacy revenues in accelerated decline, online advertising primarily going to platforms, and digital reader revenues growing only at some titles in a winne...
Newsrooms are inundated with metrics for reach, attention, and engagement – but how do they assess the social impact of their journalism? This panel, proposed by the World Editors Forum, will go bey...
First there was SMS (short message service), then there was MMS (multi media service). As the world adopts RCS (rich communciation services), can the news industry leverage this new technology as a ne...
Event sponsored by Google News Initiative.
In tutto il mondo gli editori stanno adottando modelli economici centrati sui lettori, per dipendere meno dalla pubblicità e diversificare i flussi di entrate. Un simile cambiamento richiede una stru...